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Don’t Hit Send or Publish Until you’ve Done These Two Things!

Foam·skee is a Canadian Christian lifestyle blogger. She wears many hats including lover of Jesus Christ, worship singer, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, entrepreneur, blogger, speaker, and medical doctor. She feels that our lives are too multi-faceted to stick to one niche so she writes about everything including faith, music, beauty, healthy living, and parenting. Born in Nigeria, she is in her late thirties and currently lives in Alberta, Canada.
Don’t Hit Send or Publish Until you’ve Done These Two Things! Posted on February 22, 20181 Comment
Foam·skee is a Canadian Christian lifestyle blogger. She wears many hats including lover of Jesus Christ, worship singer, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, entrepreneur, blogger, speaker, and medical doctor. She feels that our lives are too multi-faceted to stick to one niche so she writes about everything including faith, music, beauty, healthy living, and parenting. Born in Nigeria, she is in her late thirties and currently lives in Alberta, Canada.

As someone who enjoys writing, I proofread and edit my work many times before I hit the publish button. I even go through my posts days after I publish them to make changes.

1. Check your spelling

Not that I never make mistakes but it makes me slightly embarrassed to read stuff with spelling mistakes when you can do a simple spellcheck. If you are writing something on your computer, don’t forget to make use of the spellcheck on your Microsoft Word or Pages.

It really helps to make you look polished and professional. If you are online, you can also install an extension in your browser which corrects you as you type. I use one called ‘Grammarly’ because it’s extremely helpful and even helps me correct some grammatical errors.

2. Improve the readability

a. I recently discovered this very helpful Hemingway Editor App. I can’t believe I’m only finding out about it. I feel like I’ve been living under a rock. It helps to improve your writing by showing you redundant words and making it easier to read.

b. This last tip is especially relevant for bloggers using WordPress. When editing my blog posts, I use a plugin called Yoast SEO. One of the things it does is to give each post a readability score. It also shows me areas I can modify.

[bctt tweet=”So, next time, you’re about to send a story, essay, email, or any other written work, please don’t forget to do these two things: do a spellcheck and improve its readability score!!” username=”InspirationAndL”]

How do you check your writing? How important is it to you?
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This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. (1 Timothy 1:15 NLT)
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© 2018, Foam·skee. All rights reserved.

Foam·skee is a Canadian Christian lifestyle blogger. She wears many hats including lover of Jesus Christ, worship singer, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, entrepreneur, blogger, speaker, and medical doctor. She feels that our lives are too multi-faceted to stick to one niche so she writes about everything including faith, music, beauty, healthy living, and parenting. Born in Nigeria, she is in her late thirties and currently lives in Alberta, Canada.
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