I am so boring when it comes to giving my kids school lunches. Fortunately for me, their school serves lunch every day.
The issue is that my kids don’t always like the food on the school lunch menu (and so do I). When they were little kids, I prided myself on the fact that my kids knew how to eat Nigerian food. Now, I half regret it because they don’t really eat non-Nigerian food except it’s burger or fries. Can you believe that spaghetti is not one of their favourites? Neither is Mac and cheese. Hmm…When I was composing this post, I came to the realisation that my kids are picky with food.
I can’t give them pounded yam, potato chips (fries), yam or plantains to school. I feel that it would either look odd or be soggy by lunchtime. Beans is a story for another day. They don’t really fancy it. So, what do I usually give them for lunch to school on the days they take home food? Rice! In different forms: Jollof or white rice and stew.
My plan is to experiment more with our home cuisine so I have other non-African food on our menu. I am currently browsing this website for ideas.
Do you have any lunch ideas?
This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. (1 Timothy 1:15 NLT)
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